This productivity training module introduces some key strategies for your people to increase their efficiency through better time management, goal setting and work prioritisation.
Work efficiency is the ability to produce maximum results from your efforts. It means doing more with less. Working smarter, not harder. When you improve efficiency, you’re able to increase output from the same amount of input.
Efficient people are invaluable resources — positively influencing the bottom line. When organisations have efficient people who know how to organise their time and effort they experience an array of benefits including optimal resource usage, reduced waste, cost reduction, decreased errors and ultimately improved productivity.
When it comes to helping individuals to improve their efficiency it comes down to supporting them to make improvements to their day-to-day work. This online productivity training module will support your people to make these day-to-day improvements using the following strategies:
- taming emails to avoid distractions
- setting smart goals to focus work
- prioritising tasks and activities using the Eisenhower matrix
- managing time using a work schedule
Learning time: 10 — 15 minutes
Tailoring options — Like all Skillpod modules, this module is ready to use immediately, or can be tailored to suit the needs of your business and people. Find out more about our tailoring options.